Gothic Arch Beret


Gothic Arch Beret Pattern

Yarn Weight – Bulky

Needles- US size 4 (for ribbing) DPN’s and US size 5 dpns or circular (for body of the hat).

Step 1) Cast On 88 to size 4 knitting needles.

Step 2) Join in round and work p2 k2 ribbing for length 1.5 inches (4 cm).

Step 3) Do one increase round and switch to size 5 needles. *p2, m1, k2, m1. repeat from *. (Increases to 132)

Step 4) Begin knitting pattern.

Step 5) After the body of the hat (not including the rib section) reaches approximately 5-6 inches begin row 1 of the decrease on the 8th row of the pattern.

Step 6) After you finish decreasing, pull yarn tail through remaining loops and weave in yarn ends. Hat brim might be snug at first but will loosen after wear.

Gothic Arch Pattern (Knitting Pattern)

r1: *p2, yo, ssk, k5, k2tog, yo. repeat from *

r2: knit the knit stitches; purl the purl stitches and knit the yarn-over loops

r3: *p2, k1, yo, ssk, k3, k2 tog, yo, k1. repeat from *    

r4: knit the knit stitches; purl the purl stitches and knit the yarn-over loops

r5: *p2, k2, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k2 . repeat from *

r6:knit the knit stitches; purl the purl stitches and knit the yarn-over loops

r7: *p2, k3, yo, k3-tog, yo, k3. repeat from *

r8:knit the knit stitches; purl the purl stitches and knit the yarn-over loops

r9: *p2, ssk, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2-tog. repeat from *

r10: knit the knit stitches; purl the purl stitches and knit the yarn-over loops

r11: *p2, ssk, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2 tog. repeat from *

r12: knit the knit stitches; purl the purl stitches and knit the yarn-over loops


r1: *purl 2 tog, k9. repeat from *  (decrease 1 over 11= 120)

r2: *p1, ssk, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, k2-tog. repeat from * (no decrease)

r3:*p1, ssk, k5, k2tog. repeat from *  (decrease 2 over 10= 96)

r4:*p1, ssk, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, k2-tog. repeat from *    (no decrease)

r5:*p1, ssk, k3, k2tog . repeat from * (decrease 2 over 8 =72)

r6 :*p1, k5. repeat from *  (no decrease)

r7 : *p1, ssk, k1, k2 tog. repeat from * (decrease 2 over 6= 48)

r8: *p1, k3 . repeat from *  (no decrease)

r9: *p1 k3 tog. repeat from *   (decrease 2 over 4= 24)

r10: *k1, k2 tog. repeat from * (decrease 1 over 3 = 16)

r11: *k2 tog. repeat from * (decrease 1 over 2 = 8)

3 thoughts on “Gothic Arch Beret

  1. Elischewah (Ellen) na Basting says:

    Hello Nadia,
    I am working on yout Gothic Arch Beret pattern. Following the pattern I ran into some confusion on row 9. It doesn’t seem to match up with the pattern. Also, the repeat is not mentioned. I assume it is the same as the previous but I just want to be sure.
    I hope this doesn’t upset you. I enjoy the lace knitting very much.

    Ellen Basting


    • knittoblog says:

      Hi Ellen. Thank you for commenting. I updated the pattern to mention the repeats in rows 9 and 11. I’m glad you figured out why it wasn’t matching up. Feel free to contact me with any other questions.


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